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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.
As a supreme industrial distributor of plenty brands , FAMAGA is the centre of most rapid industrial chain of distribution. We always work to distribute the product portfolio of the top quality brands to meet the needs of our customers in the manufacturing industry.
FAMAGA is keen to set up splendid experience to its buyers by supplying vast number of industrial instruments and separate parts at the acceptable prices with high standard supply in the brief period of time. Furthermore, our compliance and dedication let us to distribute any shape of product in the quickest period of time.
Our portfolio includes entire product line of LABOM, which is one of the the supreme brands all over the world. Its core value is to accelerate the growth of the industries by creating vital and groundbreaking outputs.
Their ingenious and high standard products always determine the clarification for the rough industrial difficulties at your instruction LABOM products in the industrial marketplace. The excellence and the force are the traits that discriminate. They produce the innovative products and the coming generation technologies that take the customer satisfaction to the next level and enhance the industries. LABOM reaches the high level of equipment production while upgrading the experience of both final customer and service staff.
It makes the use of the modern production techniques because of productivity and service longevity.. Put simply, LABOM is always focused on the needs of the customers and is best able to deal with your requirements!
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CV3110-A1059-F80-H1100-M1-Y4-N51-T6-T31-K1085-W4020-W2002 DL9016-HY-E1-G1-A400-L22 CV3110 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER PASCAL CV, for diaphragm seal operation, hygienic acc. to data sheet D4-017/22 A1 pressure sensor: piezoresistive for gauge pressure 059 nominal range: 0...16 bar, overload limit 60 bar measuring range setting: turndown 5:1 accuracy: <= 0.15% of measuring span (linearity, hysteresis and repeatability) F80 measuring range: setting see below lower range value: - 1,000 upper range value: + 15,000 unit: bar H11 output signal: 4...20 mA, rising characteristic (standard) 0 setting damping: 0.0 sec. (standard) 0 setting alarm state: < 3.6 mA (standard) M1 display module: without Y4 screw cap with window mat. Macrolon N5 switching module: with 2 floating channels, pluggable, electrically isolated at all sides, switching capacity 30 V DC / 0.5 A 1 switching module setting: at the factory, see below 1. switch contact: switch point: 8 bar breaker hysteresis:0,1% (falling) 2. switch contact: switch point: 10 bar breaker hysteresis:0,1% (falling) T6 case: hygienic design with screw cap material: stainless steel degree of protection: IP 66 incl, vent filter, stainless steel T31 electrical connection: circular connector M 12x1 (8 pin) K1085 design standard W4020 ADDITIONAL DESIGN: marking (adhesive label), see below W2002 CALIBRATION PROTOCOL: with 5 measuring points DL9 DIAPHRAGM SEAL for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology 016 design: APV flange design HY hygienic design per EHEDG Doc.8 and ASME BPE SF3: surface roughness (wetted parts) - turned parts Ra <= 0.76 μm - diaphragm Ra <= 0.38 μm - weld seam Ra <= 0.76 μm E1 basic body material: stainless steel (316L) G1 diaphragm material: stainless steel (316L) A400 connection of meas. instrument directly welded L22 system filling: Synthetic oil, free of silicon FD1 acc. to FDA 21 CFR 178.3570 / H1-registered operating temperature range -10...+140 °C spare parts for fab.-no.: 1819962/10/003
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